V. Gavrilenko has apologized to the guarantors and agreed to voluntarily repay the debt for her education.
The situation with former scholarship recipient V. Gavrilenko and guarantors M. Daribayeva and N. Vorobyeva has been resolved legally. Following mediation, V. Gavrilenko committed to voluntarily repay the full amount of her educational debt.
The collateral property provided to secure the Agreement covers the necessary amount of expenses, so the agreement with the guarantors and the Center has been terminated.
As a reminder, in January 2024, the Center sent materials of identified violations to law enforcement agencies. The Anti-Corruption Agency of Kazakhstan registered and is conducting a pre-trial investigation into the former officials of the Center. Valeria Gavrilenko apologized to the guarantors and is repaying the debt in accordance with the procedure established by the Center.
The Center for International Programs will continue efforts to return state funds from individuals who deviate from fulfilling contractual obligations and have been deprived of their scholarships.