Employees of the Center do not contact scholarship recipients under the guise of law enforcement officers and do not request money.
Do not share the codes that scammers ask you to provide!
Be cautious!
You can get it by calling +7 (717) 276-90-76 (ext. 110, 112, 113, 114) and writing to Whatsapp +7 (700) 776 00 75 and to official accounts on social networks.
WhatsAppInternships for scientists are aimed at improving the qualifications of scientific and scientific-technical personnel in universities, research centers, and sectoral organizations.
Specialists trained
Number of Graduates that fulfilled their contractual obligations
Graduates on monitoring for contractual obligations
Students on monitoring
Выпускник программы "Болашак" Дуйсенали Алимакын представил свою книгу "Казахи, открывшие Америку"
Старт приема документов на стипендию по программам «Болашак» и «Научные стажировки»
250 казахстанцев рекомендованы для обучения в Венгрии по программе Stipendium Hungaricum
Опубликован список рекомендованных казахстанцев для обучения в Китае
Rules for the delivery of public service
«Acceptance of documents for participation
in the competition for the «Bolashak»
international scholarship
Participation Requirements
in the competition for the "Bolashak"
International Scholarship Award
Documents required for participation
in the competition for the "Bolashak"
International Scholarship Award
Bolashak журналы
"Bolashak" Informational-analytical magazine that has been published since 2006. moreBy Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 4, 2005 No. 301, the JSC Center for International Programs was established with 100% participation of the state in the authorized capital.
The shareholder of JSC Center for International Programs is the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
The main subject of activity of JSC Center for International Programs - the implementation of a set of measures for international programs for training, retraining and advanced training of personnel abroad, including the international scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Bolashak".
JSC Center for International Programs administers the “Bolashak” program, scientific internships, as well as intergovernmental grants. The center organises the admission and competition process.
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