Dear Applicant

All stages of the competition are held online.

First round of competitive selection – comprehensive testing

At this stage, the applicants will pass:

  • tests for the analysis of verbal and numerical information aimed at determining the level of ability to analyze new information in a short time;
  • a personal questionnaire that allows you to structurally collect information about the applicant's personal and business qualities and the applicant's psychological readiness to study abroad. The focus is on the potential for the manifestation of competencies that allow effective communication and adaptation in a new environment, successfully coping with difficulties emotionally, making decisions and implementing plans.
Sample questions:
  1. Numerical test - click to view
  2. Verbal test - click to view
  3. Personality questionnaire - click to view

Before passing the test, you will have the opportunity to answer sample questions without taking into account time.

It is recommended to start comprehensive testing by passing numerical or verbal tests, as they require more focus and data analysis.

You can use a standard calculator, pen and paper. Please note that it is prohibited to use the calculator on smartphones, gadgets and other communication devices. Repeated testing is not provided.


  • Comprehensive testing serves as a qualifying round for advancement to the next stage. Candidates who fail to meet the minimum threshold set by the governing body in the first round are not eligible to proceed to the second round.
  • Comprehensive testing is accompanied by audio and video recording.
  • Before the test, ensure that your computer is functioning properly, you have a stable internet connection, and your camera and microphone are working correctly.
  • If the browser window (site) is closed, the results of the selection stage are automatically canceled.
  • If the site tabs are closed, the results of the selection stage are automatically canceled, the site tabs must be open.
  • If you start taking one of the test types, you must complete the test to the end. Otherwise, the results of the selection stage are automatically canceled.
The second round of the competitive selection process is an anonymous personal interview with members of the Expert Commission (EC).

The second round is organized and conducted by the administrator in collaboration with the members of the Expert Commission (EC). At this stage, the applicant's level of research training in their chosen field of specialization, theoretical knowledge, and the rationale behind their choice of research direction and foreign institution are assessed.

The applicant may be asked questions in the state language, Russian, or the intended language of study across four key areas to evaluate:

  • The level of research training in the chosen field;
  • The level of theoretical knowledge in the selected academic discipline;
  • The awareness and motivation behind the choice of specialization, along with the ability to present a well-reasoned argument;
  • Logical reasoning skills, including the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.
What awaits you on the day of the Interview?

Preparation for this stage will enable you to confidently demonstrate your knowledge, research skills, professional competencies and potential to the members of the EC.

Special attention should be given to questions regarding your proposed research internship program, the host scientific institution or university, and the country where the internship will take place.

Demonstrating a deep understanding of the selected internship program during the interview will highlight your commitment and serious approach to advancing your scientific career.

Before the interview, recommended to gather as much objective information as possible about the host organization, its research activities, laboratories, projects, and leading scientists. Official websites of foreign universities and research centers provide detailed information about programs, admission requirements, and faculty members. Additionally, reviewing international rankings of universities and research institutions based on academic, subject-specific, or regional criteria will be beneficial.

Your responses should convince the EC members that you are a deserving candidate for the Scientific Internship program.

The third round of the competitive selection process is a meeting of the Republican Commission for Training Personnel Abroad.

The Executive Body submits the applicants' materials for the third round for review by the Republican Commission for Training Personnel Abroad. This includes the results of the comprehensive testing, recommendations from the EC and ranking based on the approved selection ranking table.

In the third round, the Republican Commission reviews the results of the first and second rounds and makes the final decision on awarding or denying the scientific internship. The applicant is notified of the decision through the publication of information on the administrator’s official website after the meeting protocol is signed.