Requirements for applicants

Dear Applicant

Below you can find a list of rules and requirements for submitting documents.

Applicants for a master's degree
Applicants for residency training
  • have an unconditional invitation (except for financial conditions) from a foreign university included in the List of recommended universities;
  • the presence of a valid official certificate of passing the KAZTEST or Qazaq Resmi Test exam with a result of at least level B1;
Applicants from rural locality
  • living in rural localities for the last 2 (two) years and working in rural localities for the last 2 (two) years;
  • the average score for the application of a bachelor's or specialist's degree must correspond to a score of at least 3.00 GPA (out of 4.00/4.33) or 4.00 out of 5.00;
  • the presence of a valid official certificate of passing the KAZTEST or Qazaq Resmi Test exam with a result of at least level B1;
  • knowledge of a foreign language that meets the established minimum requirements. - click to view
  • correspondence of the specialty according to the bachelor's / specialist's diploma, the chosen specialty according to the list of related specialties
Engineering and technical workers for obtaining a master's degree
  • At the time of submission of documents, the person who organizes and manages the production process (production, procurement, storage, transportation, processing), including in the field of information and communication technologies, as well as directly manufacturing activities in the organization;
  • general work experience in the chosen field of specialization not less than 1 (one) year for training in technical specialties within the framework of the scholarship "Bolashak";
  • a bachelor's or specialist's degree specialty must correspond to the chosen specialty according to the list of related specialties;
  • the average score for the application of a bachelor's or specialist's degree must correspond to a score of at least 3.00 GPA (out of 4.00/4.33) or 4.00 out of 5.00;
  • the presence of a valid official certificate of passing the KAZTEST or Qazaq Resmi Test exam with a result of at least level B1;
  • knowledge of a foreign language that meets the established minimum requirements. - click to view
Medical workers for obtaining a master's degree
  • At the time of submission of documents engaged in labor activity and providing direct medical care in medical organizations and having a higher medical education;
  • a bachelor's or specialist's degree specialty must correspond to the chosen specialty according to the list of related specialties;
  • the average score for the application of a bachelor's or specialist's degree must correspond to a score of at least 3.00 GPA (out of 4.00/4.33) or 4.00 out of 5.00;
  • the presence of a valid official certificate of passing the KAZTEST or Qazaq Resmi Test exam with a result of at least level B1;
  • knowledge of a foreign language that meets the established minimum requirements. - click to view
Applicants for a doctorate degree
  • have an unconditional invitation (except for financial conditions) from a foreign university included in the List of recommended universities;
  • the presence of a valid official certificate of passing the KAZTEST or Qazaq Resmi Test exam with a result of at least level B1;
Applicants for the internship

Engineering and technical workers, employees of the agro-industrial complex;

Teachers of pre-school, secondary, technical and vocational education organisations;

Medical workers;

Civil servants;

Employees of mass media;

Workers in the sphere of culture, tourism and sports;

Judges and court employees.

  • availability of an unconditional invitation (with the exception of financial conditions) from a foreign organization accepting an internship;
  • total work experience of not less than 3 (three) years, including the last 12 (twelve) months in the chosen field of specialization at the time of submission of documents continuously;
  • the presence of a valid official certificate of passing the KAZTEST or Qazaq Resmi Test exam with a result of at least level B1;
  • knowledge of a foreign language that meets the established minimum requirements. - click to view
Rules of participation
Rules of participation

The competitive selection process for the Bolashak International Scholarship is conducted online in real time. A personal account is created for each applicant on the online platform, with the function of tracking notifications about the program and selection procedure, scheduled rounds of the competitive selection and subsequent results.


At this stage, the applicants will pass:

  • tests for the analysis of verbal and numerical information aimed at determining the level of ability to analyze new information in a short time;
  • a personal questionnaire that allows you to structurally collect information about the applicant's personal and business qualities and the applicant's psychological readiness to study abroad. The focus is on the potential for the manifestation of competencies that allow effective communication and adaptation in a new environment, successfully coping with difficulties emotionally, making decisions and implementing plans.

Before passing the test, you will have the opportunity to answer sample questions without taking into account time.

It is forbidden to interrupt during testing. You can schedule a break between these tests, but not during the test itself.

It is recommended to start comprehensive testing by passing numerical or verbal tests, as they require more focus and data analysis.

You can use a standard calculator, pen and paper. Please note that it is prohibited to use the calculator on smartphones, gadgets and other communication devices. Repeated testing is not provided.

Preparation and conditions of passage:

Preparation for passing tests and a questionnaire is not required, it is not a test of knowledge in any field. It is necessary to allocate enough time, prepare the room, eliminate distractions (other people, noise, gadgets, TV). At this stage, there is no dropout/selection based on the results. This is an opportunity to obtain structured information about the personal resources and potential of applicants, which will be taken into account by an Independent Expert Commission.


  • Comprehensive testing is accompanied by audio and video recording.
  • If the browser window (site) is closed, the results of the selection stage are automatically canceled.
  • If the site tabs are closed, the results of the selection stage are automatically canceled, the site tabs must be open.
  • If you start taking one of the test types, you must complete the test to the end. Otherwise, the results of the selection stage are automatically canceled.


At this stage, the level of professional training of the applicant, theoretical knowledge and the availability of professional competencies in the chosen field of specialization are determined.

Questions can be asked to the applicant in the state, Russian or in the intended language of instruction in 4 blocks to determine:

  • the level of professional training of the applicant (practical skills);
  • the level of basic knowledge in the chosen field of study (theoretical skills);
  • the level of awareness of the choice of specialty, reasonableness;
  • skills to solve situational problems.

How to prepare for an interview?

After passing the comprehensive testing, in the applicant's personal account, you will have the opportunity to choose the date and time of the interview in accordance with your specialty direction (you can determine the specialty direction by the List of specialties).

Please note that the number of places on days is limited, there is no right to revise the set time. It is also worth considering the time difference. The time of the interview will be indicated according to the time of Astana.

To complete this tour, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • it is necessary to log into the system for a round interview and be ready 20 minutes before the time you have chosen for the interview, which will be indicated in your personal account;
  • the interview is conducted online and accompanied by audio and video recordings;
  • repeated passage of this stage of selection is not allowed;
  • if violations are detected, the selection results are canceled.

Pay attention to your appearance, it is recommended to use business style in clothes.

Mobile etiquette requires that your phone and other devices do not interfere with others. A call at the wrong time during an interview may interfere with your interlocutor or you in expressing your thoughts.


You can prepare for the questions of this block. The training will allow you to present your knowledge, skills, abilities and abilities to the IEC members profitably.

It is also important for applicants participating in the competition as a candidate for a master's degree from rural areas to prepare for questions about the proposed program of study, a foreign university and the country of study. Demonstrating your own study of the proposed training program during the interview will show that you really thoroughly approach the issue of your education.

Collect as much objective information as possible about the country of study, the university where you plan to enroll or have enrolled. The official websites of foreign universities provide all information on the training program, on the requirements for candidates, and may also contain information about the scientific and teaching staff of the selected faculty / school. It is recommended to familiarize yourself with international rankings of universities by academic, subject or regional areas.

By your answers to the questions you should convince the NEC that you are worthy to become the owner of the international scholarship "Bolashak".


After an interview with the members of the Independent Expert Commission, the applicants' materials are submitted to the third round for consideration by the Republican Commission for Training Personnel Abroad, which makes the final decision.

Within 10 days, the Minutes of the meeting of the Republican Commission are received by the Company and after 1 day the list of winners of the competition is posted on the official website of the Company.

If you are on the List of holders of the Bolashak Scholarship, you need to contact the Center for International Programs JSC for advice on further actions. We also recommend that you think about and decide in advance about obtaining a visa to travel to the country of study.

If you are not on this List, do not take rejection as a disaster. Treat the situation positively as an opportunity for further self-improvement and repeated participation in the competitive selection next year. It should be noted that there have been cases of successful completion of the competitive selection by applicants for the award of the Bolashak scholarship after several attempts.


How to apply

Acceptance of documents for participation in the competition for the award of the international scholarship "Bolashak" is carried out in an online format through the web portal of "electronic government" - click to view

For more information, follow the following link: - click to view


Step 1

Meet the requirements

Step 2

Collect a package of documents

Step 3

Submit documents within the specified time frame via the e-Government Portal

Step 5

After the award of the scholarship, the scholarship holder or his proxy must, within 90 calendar days from the date of the award of the scholarship, contact the Legal Service Department of the Center for International Programs JSC (hereinafter referred to as the Company) and conclude an agreement on the organization of training with the Company, as well as a guarantee agreement. In case of non-conclusion of contracts on time, the scholarship holder loses the status of the holder of the international scholarship "Bolashak".

Step 4

Pass a competitive selection of 3 rounds:

Round 1 – Comprehensive testing;

Round 2 – Personal interview with IEC members;

Round 3 – meeting of the Republican Commission for Training Personnel Abroad

Recommendations for admission to a foreign university
Required documents
Applicants for a master's degree
  • ID card and passport;
  • a document confirming unconditional enrollment for academic studies (except for financial conditions) from a university that is included in the List of leading foreign universities. The document must specify: the applicant's data, specialty, terms of study, tuition fees. The document is provided with a notarized translation into the state or Russian languages;
  • bachelor's/specialist diploma with an appendix. In case of study in a foreign educational organisation - a certificate of recognition and/or nostrification of the document on education or other document on recognition of the document on education;
  • a valid official certificate of the established form on passing the foreign language exam with the result corresponding to the established minimum requirements;
  • a valid official certificate of the established form on passing the state language exam with the result corresponding to the established minimum requirements;
  • medical certificate in form 072/u for travelling abroad;
  • an official document on academic performance issued by a foreign university or a certificate of the established sample, which indicates the specialty, course (year of study), information about the assessment system, the average score of current academic performance. The document/certificate is provided with a notarized translation into the state or Russian languages (only for applicants studying at leading foreign universities).
Applicants for residency training
  • ID card and passport;
  • a document confirming unconditional enrollment for academic studies (except for financial conditions) from a university that is included in the List of leading foreign universities. The document must specify: the applicant's data, specialty, terms of study, tuition fees. The document is provided with a notarized translation into the state or Russian languages;
  • bachelor's/specialist diploma with an appendix. In case of study in a foreign educational organisation - a certificate of recognition and/or nostrification of the document on education or other document on recognition of the document on education;
  • a valid official certificate of the established form on passing the state language exam with the result corresponding to the established minimum requirements;
  • medical certificate in form 072/u for travelling abroad;
  • an official document on academic performance issued by a foreign university or a certificate of the established sample, which indicates the specialty, course (year of study), information about the assessment system, the average score of current academic performance. The document/certificate is provided with a notarized translation into the state or Russian languages (only for applicants studying at leading foreign universities).
Applicants from rural locality
Engineering and technical workers for obtaining a master's degree
Medical workers for obtaining a master's degree
Applicants for a doctorate degree
  • ID card and passport;
  • a document confirming unconditional enrollment for academic studies (except for financial conditions) from a university that is included in the List of leading foreign universities. The document must specify: the applicant's data, specialty, terms of study, tuition fees. The document is provided with a notarized translation into the state or Russian languages;
  • bachelor's/specialist diploma with an appendix. In case of study in a foreign educational organisation - a certificate of recognition and/or nostrification of the document on education or other document on recognition of the document on education;
  • a valid official certificate of the established form on passing the state language exam with the result corresponding to the established minimum requirements; - click to view
  • medical certificate in form 072/u for travelling abroad;
  • individual curriculum, agreed with the leading foreign university included in the List, and not exceeding the time limits set by this foreign university, for obtaining a doctorate degree with a notarized translation into the state or Russian languages.
  • an official document on academic performance issued by a foreign university or a certificate of the established sample, which indicates the specialty, course (year of study), information about the assessment system, the average score of current academic performance. The document/certificate is provided with a notarized translation into the state or Russian languages (only for applicants studying at leading foreign universities).
Only the following categories of employees can take part in the competition for the award of the Bolashak scholarship in the direction of "internship"
  • Engineering and technical workers, employees of the agro-industrial complex;
  • Teachers of pre-school, secondary, technical and vocational education organisations;
  • Medical workers;
  • Civil servants;
  • Employees of mass media;
  • Workers in the sphere of culture, tourism and sports;
  • Judges and court employees.
Applicants for the internship
Financal expenses

The amount of the monthly stipend for accommodation, meals and the purchase of educational literature was approved by Order No. 163 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 13, 2012 "On Approval of Cost Standards, standard contracts for academic programs and internship under the Bolashak International Scholarship"

date of approval - 14.06.2021

Cost standards for determining the amount of monthly stipend for the Bolashak International Scholarship by country

Allocation of scholarships