

- Tell us a bit about your studies and your university. What academic achievements have you accomplished?

«The path to a doctoral degree is multifaceted and includes theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as teaching and the development of additional skills. Studying at King's College London is a challenging but exciting journey. The university ranks highly in international rankings, and much depends on the department and faculty. Notably, many renowned universities like Oxford and Cambridge do not have a department of pharmaceutical sciences, which attracted me to King's College London. The intensive involvement of students in research allows for publications in prestigious journals and participation in international conferences. Over three years, I managed to publish several articles and present my research at various international forums. I see this as just the beginning of my path to a PhD.»

- How did you get into the "Bolashak" program?

«I learned about the 'Bolashak' program while still in school and always aimed to enroll in this program for a master's or doctoral degree. Comparing all funding opportunities, I do not regret my choice for a moment. The admission process was challenging: retaking exams, appeals, but I never gave up. My goal was higher than mere ambitions. I want to advise applicants: If you know exactly why you want to gain this knowledge, don't give up under any circumstances. Go for it, and you will succeed.»

- What is the focus of your research?

«My research covers pharmacoepidemiology, the application of the latest advances in materials science and electronics in pharmaceuticals, including 3D printing. We are also studying unique drug delivery systems through the skin, which involves the development of non-invasive medical devices.»

- Your specialty is Pharmacy. How developed is this profession abroad? Who have you worked with?

«My specialty is oncology and pharmaceutical sciences. These fields are very popular in the UK, where significant grants are allocated for research. My academic supervisors have vast experience and authority in their fields. Collaborating with outstanding scientists allows me to gain their experience with the aim of applying the acquired knowledge and experience for the development of the pharmaceutical industry in our country.»

- You lead the Kazakh Student Association in London. Tell us about the organization and the events you organize.

«Studying in the UK differs from other countries, and students often experience stress during the adaptation period. Our association, created a year and a half ago, helps students adapt and succeed in their studies. We have developed and regularly update a guide, conduct webinars, conferences, job fairs, and sports events. Recently, we held the first annual sports event to promote a healthy lifestyle. Our goal is to support students and develop their potential.»

- What opportunities has 'Bolashak' opened for you?

«I believe that when the state provides such an opportunity to be among and conduct research with outstanding scientists, and in this way represent your country while achieving certain successes in your field, this is just a small part of how we can show our gratitude.»

After completing his studies, the Bolashak fellow plans to use the knowledge and experience gained abroad to develop the pharmaceutical industry in his home country and increase domestic production of pharmaceuticals and medical devices.

It is worth noting that according to the QS World University Rankings 2024, King's College London ranks 40th, according to Times Higher Education (THE), King's College London ranks 38th, and according to the Shanghai Ranking (ARWU), King's College London ranks 59th.

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