Басты бет > BOLASHAQNEWS > Bolashaq 28

Жарияланған күні:

Bolashaq 28

University of Glasgow профессоры, Еуразия мен Оңтүстік Азиядағы жаһандық даму жөніндегі деканы Moyra Boland «Болашақ» бағдарламасын 28 жылдығымен құттықтайды.

The University of Glasgow is delighted to be working in close partnership with the Center for International Programs, Bolashak. We would like to offer our warmest congratulations on their 28th Anniversary, a great landmark for the Centre and a testament to its vison and ambition. This scholarship provides a wonderful opportunity for talented students from Kazakhstan to study overseas and we have welcomed many excellent students to study a variety of subject areas here at Glasgow. We have an active and engaged alumni network which spans the length and breadth of Kazakhstan. Graduates look back fondly on their time here, commenting on the friendly and welcoming nature of both the University and the city, Scottish culture and the high quality of teaching and facilities offered by the University. The University of Glasgow loves hosting students from Kazakhstan, their presence enriches our academic life and our city. Many students have been very active members of our student and academic community on campus, participating in events and helping to launch our very own KAZ Society. We look forward to our continued collaboration and partnership, supporting world changing students, for many years to come. Congratulations once again from all of us here at the University of Glasgow.

Professor Moyra Boland Dean for Global Engagement in Central and South Asia University of Glasgow