Current news and announcements


Center for International Programs Signs Memorandum with Jasyldamu JSC

Today, October 31, 2023, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Acting Chairperson of the Board of the Center for International Programs, Aliya Ospanova, and the Chairman of the Board of Jasyldamu JSC, Erzhan Sarsenbay.

The main goal of this document is to expand bilateral cooperation in developing the country’s human resource potential. This strategic partnership opens new horizons for education and professional development in Kazakhstan and reaffirms both organizations' commitment to building a bright future for the country's youth.

Following the meeting, both parties expressed t...



Алматы қаласы Мұрат Әбенұлы Айтхожин атындағы молекулалық биология және биохимия институтының ғалымы Бахытжан Алжанұлы геномдық редакциялау және бағаналы жасушалардың дифференция әдістерінің көмегімен I типті қант диабетін емдеуге арналған бірегей жасушалар жасап шықты. Болашақта аталған жасушаларды науқастың ағзасына енгізу (трансплантация) ұйқы безіне оның аса маңызды функциясы инсулин гормонын бөлу қабілетін қайтаруға мүмкіндік береді.

«Осы жұмыс аясында қол жеткізген нәтижелерім медицина ғылымы үшін, соның ішінде қант диабеті мәселесі үшін пайдасы үлкен. Тірі жасушалардың геномын, яғни Д


Interactive Meeting of the Center for International Programs with Representatives of Preschool Education

On October 20, an interactive meeting took place at the «Ertegi» Nursery School No. 35 in the capital, where employees of the Center for International Programs met with representatives of the «Methodological Center» under the Akimat of Astana, the «Astana Daryny» Center for Development, Education, and Psychological Support, and the heads of preschool educational organizations.

During the meeting, the Chairman of the Board of the Center for International Programs, Olzhas Sakenov, spoke about the Bolashaq International Scholarship, and the Center's staff shared valuable information about the sel...


Meeting with New York Film Academy

Today, a meeting with the New York Film Academy took place at the office of the Center for International Programs. The NYFA delegation included Sonny Calderon, Vice President of Academic Affairs, and Lizzi Sack, Director of International Relations at NYFA.

New York Film Academy (NYFA) is a private, for-profit film and acting school with campuses in New York, Los Angeles, and Miami.

The academy offers programs in various disciplines, including filmmaking, acting for film, photography, producing, screenwriting, 3D animation and visual effects, broadcast journalism, virtual reality, and many othe...


«Center for International Programs» Signs Memorandum with University of Minnesota

On October 16, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed with the University of Minnesota. The delegation included 13 representatives from UMN—deans, faculty members, and specialists in English language programs. Colin Garden, Education and Culture Attache at the U.S. Embassy, and 7 alumni from the University of Minnesota also participated in the meeting.

For reference, the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, is a research university located in Minneapolis and St. Paul, the largest cities in the state of Minnesota. It is the oldest and largest part of the University of Minnesota system.




14 октября 2023 года, с целью поддержки особенных детей и их родителей, прошла встреча Центра международных программ с Общественным фондом «Бақытты шаңырақ».

В рамках встречи, школьники получили возможность получить с первых уст информацию по профессиональной ориентации, самоопределению и саморазвитию. Наставниками выступили выпускники программы «Болашак», добровольно отозвавшиеся на участие в социальном проекте — Насығазы Болат, выпускник University of Warwick (Великобритания), Саида Калыкова, выпускница Conservatorio Luigi Cherubini (Италия), а также представитель ЦМП Фариза Дамиева, менедж


Дни казахстанского образования в Туркменистане

По приглашению Министерства образования Туркменистана и при поддержке Министерства науки и высшего образования Республики Казахстан, Министерства иностранных дел Республики Казахстан, а также Посольства Казахстана в Туркменистане, Центр международных программ проводит Дни образования Казахстана на международной выставке «Здравоохранение, образование и спорт в эру Возрождения могущественного государства», который проходит с 10 по 12 октября.

На мероприятии принимают участие представители казахстанских вузов, таких как Назарбаев Университет, Казахский национальный педагогический университет имен